Articles, SEO blogposts, social media content, product descriptions and more

Current project:
Láng Anett Studio Social Media Management & Contect creation
Project details:
- Editing pictures for Instagram & Facebook
- Writing social media content for posts and stories
- Editing owner's own texts
- Developing marketing strategies & scheduling posts
- Identifying target audience & trends in the beauty industry
- Brainstorming and conceptualizing creative ideas
- Analyzing consumer behaviour & tracking posts
(I am doing this marketing project pro bono)

Articles published online
The articles published on life.hu online magazine cover various topics, including men's and women's fashion, style, beauty, mental health, and lifestyle. Additionally, some articles are PR-oriented. The articles were originally written in Hungarian. All articles are crafted using targeted SEO keyword lists and are fully optimized for search engines.
The articles published on glamour.hu online magazine cover a wide range of topics, including Hungarian fashion, sustainable fashion, event reports, interviews with fashion designer, as well as style, beauty, mental health, and lifestyle. The articles were originally written in Hungarian.
Click on the photos for the published article with photo tags and details.
Articles published in Glamour Hungary print edition

Articles published in The Sun
The articles were published in the Stylist column of The Sun newspaper in April-May 2019

Social Media Content
At TSPC Group, it is important for us to mark World Environment Day by raising awareness of our ongoing efforts to reduce our ecological footprint.
To mark this day, we are presenting our Millenáris Széllkapu Park project in Budapest, which includes a 500-seat park, green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems to reduce water consumption in a highly polluted area of Budapest.
Join our commitment to a greener future and learn more about our sustainable design practices.
#WorldEnvironmentDay #Sustainability #TSPCGroup
A TSPC Group-nál fontos számunkra, hogy a Környezetvédelmi Világnap alkalmából is felhívjuk a figyelmet az ökológiai lábnyomunk csökkentésére irányuló folyamatos törekvéseinkre.
E jeles nap alkalmából bemutatjuk Budapesten megvalósult Millenáris Széllkapu Park projektünket, mely egy 500 férőhelyes parkot, zöld tetőket és esővízgyűjtő rendszereket foglal magában, a vízfogyasztás csökkentése érdekében Budapest egyik magas légszennyezettségű területén.
Csatlakozz a zöldebb jövő iránti elkötelezettségünkhöz, és tudj meg többet a fenntartható tervezési gyakorlatainkról.
#KörnyezetvédelmiVilágnap #Fenntarthatóság #TSPCGroupOriginal post published on TSPC group Facebook & Instagram page on 5 June 2024
As we are preparing for the Congress of Architects, we're excited to share a video highlighting our most successful Educational Building projects.🏢🎥
Készülünk a Nemzetközi Építészkongresszusra! A videóban bemutatjuk legsikeresebb Oktatási Intézményeinket, köztük a Magyar Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Egyetem épületét, amely a Kongresszus helyszíne is lesz.🏢🎥https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF5F0zFHFk4&ab_channel=TSPCGroupOriginal post published on TSPC group Facebook & Instagram page on 22 February 2024
Elérkezett a Modelles bemutató napja!
A kíváncsi sminktetoválók már az oktatóteremben, figyelnek, tanulnak és izgalmasabbnál izgalmasabb programokon vesznek részt!
Figyeljétek a közösségi oldalainkat és legyetek ott a következőn!
Model demonstration day is here!
Curious permanent make up artists are already in the classroom, watching, learning and participating in more and more exciting activities!
Keep an eye on our social pages and be there for the next one!
https://pmuartschool.com/ombre-modelles-bemutato-nap.../Original post published on PMU Art School Facebook page on 28 January 2022
Product Description
ROSA Root Mini
Affordable Permanent Makeup Machine!If you're looking for a high-quality yet low-cost permanent makeup machine, the ROSA ROOT Mini is the perfect choice! With one of the best price-to-value ratios on the market, it is precise, vibration-free, robust, and affordable.Easy to Use: Intuitive and straightforward operation.
Cost-Effective: Affordable and efficient.
Ultra-Lightweight: Easy to handle for long sessions.
Compatible with Low-Cost Needle Modules: Works with Kwadron needle modules.
Ergonomic Design: The handpiece fits comfortably in your hand, thanks to its streamlined design.
Versatile: Suitable for nearly any permanent makeup application—eyebrows, eyeliner, lips, scalp micropigmentation (HFS), and areola.
Compact and Easy to Clean: Takes up minimal space.
Perfect for Beginners: A favorite choice for aspiring permanent makeup artists!
The ROSA ROOT Mini is a game-changing device in the market. Few machines manage to combine affordability, reliability, durability, and precision as effectively. If you’re just starting and can’t or don’t want to invest heavily, this is your best option!This compact, feminine permanent makeup machine offers exceptional value for its price.
The full description in original language can be found on the link:
University of Physical Education – Csörsz Street Block